Beyond the lines — The concept of The Pledge II


Michael Onoja
2 min readAug 11, 2022

Are soldiers always in conformity with the instructions they are given, do they really intend to kill all the people they kill, are they always willing to put their life on the line for people who may just be clueless about them? not certain about that, but they are definitely loyal. If you saw your brother involved in a fight, would you want to know who is right and who is wrong, or without wasting a second, rush into the scene to prevent the next blow from hitting him? I bet you would do the latter.

A loyal individual uncompromisingly stands for the person or thing he is loyal to. He defends openly and chastises privately. He is the last to cast his stone, if at all he has to. Mistakes are sure to happen and things will eventually go wrong in the country, but you have an obligation to protect the positive image of your country against all odds.

The media may spread false information about your land, foreigners may be glad to speak all manner of ills – but not you. We all are to fight for our fatherland, not just all in camouflages. It takes you believing in your nation for others to, it isn’t all perfect out there either. Not all that glitters is gold, but it can be called gold if it is made to look like one; it’s what you promote that others perceive so stay faithful, be honest, but do it with some loyalty.

